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Zoey Bevington

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Driven by a passion for human behavior and what motivates us to act the way that we do, Zoey Bevington attended Boise State University where she received a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology and a Certificate in Data Science for the Liberal Arts. Utilizing her academic background and 5 years of experience as an accountant, she strives to analyze and interpret data and perform research in a precise and holistic manner. She has experience in recruiting, conducting interviews, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and data visualization. 

While at Boise State University, Zoey spent two years working on a thesis in her Parenting, Reproduction, and Mating Strategies lab group. Her college thesis analyzed intimate partner violence through an evolutionary theory lens. She utilized quantitative demographic data to better understand the causes and correlations of intimate partner violence, an important and serious matter that affects millions. Zoey is an avid rockhounder, and enjoys digging for gems like opal, agate, and jasper.

Zoey’s recent projects include:

  • Innovation research for a global pharmaceutical company
  • Advertising impressions analysis and persona creation for a Regional Public Transportation Authority
  • A regression analysis, geospatial analysis, and descriptive statistics analysis of opioid use, misuse, and overdoses for a state health district